The prisoner of Parkinson- research protocol

Can you remember when we were younger?

The Prisoner of Parkinson is a sociological theory focused on long term diseases.

The Prisoner of Parkinson inspiring concepts and the development of the research

The ill person has a healthy mind, but a diseased body. From now on the imprisonment begins. The patient is a prisoner. Not only. Who suffers behaves in a different way beside who is not suffering. It is possible to see how the pain modifies the human behaviour. This detail has a strong impact on the private life. In the love life, the patients aim to be oneself, but they do not succeed in it. The new situation in the relationship takes to a detachment. The crisis starts.

The Prisoner of Parkinson describes many other aspects.

In a globalizated world, the people, in this particular case in the western globe, have acknowledged the job insecurity in the family life. This problem causes 42% of divorces (source ISTAT) and 60% breaks up in unmarried couples. The agitation in the society increses much more. The Prisoner of Parkinson thinks that God did not make the nervous system for being. Otherwise the task of the nerves is to move the limbs and assure the correct body movement.

Can the nervous illness begin in this agitated behaviour? Here it is one fundamental question of the sociological Theory. This study borns in the Parkinson world in October 2014; in order to answer a request from the Italian association of Parkinson in Milan. The Parkinson association has asked to new sociologists to be new pioneers. Two sociologists attended the meeting. The important Professor Costantino Cipolla of the University of Bologna, professor of sociology of sexuality and Professor Giovanni Carlini, high school teacher with 9000 hours of experience.

In the first 60 days the two professors have choosen different areas of research; Prof. Cipolla has followed his studies in the sexuality and Prof. Carlini in the deviance. Prof. Cipolla has got a public funding (240-300 thousands euros) with the support of the Catholic University of Milan. His goal is to develop a Parkinson research focused on the italian hospitals Parkison protocol. In actual fact a pyramidal study starting from the upper summit.

The book on the Parkinson has born from this aspect. On the contrary, Prof. Carlini with no funding has started from the bottom: from the single patient. His purpose is to analyze the human side of the pain and the new needs of the diseases. Many sociological books has been published (four books in total). The two approaches are totally different. In sociological speaking: Prof. Cipolla followed a quantitative research, meanwhile Prof. Carlini followed a qualitative one.

Operative procedures 

The number of the case study is limited because The Prisoner of Parkinson is a quantitative sociological research. No more of 25-27 cases. The 50% of the study is concentrated on the Parkinson. The other 50% comes from very long term diseases: 20-25-30 years. The prisoner must read and sign the protocol, he has to tell his nickname which will be used in all conferences. For example Mrs Domenica Bianchi here will be named Rosa1. The real identity of the patient will never be revealed unless if he wants to. One hundred appointments are dedicated for every single diseased; he/she can choose the way of the meeting: by phone, face to face, email and skype.

The most important aspect is to create a document with all these arguments:

– what do you remember about the last meeting?

– have you used all the ideas told in the previous meeting?

The end of every appointment is:

– in the next visit I will ask you what difficilties have you found in following the new concepts

New concepts 

“New concepts” mean:

a) a stronger control of the agitation;

b) a deep awarness of “new needs”;

c) sharing with the spouse about the “new needs”;

d) an important connection between the body and the “new needs”

e) the need to change for updating.

Distribution of all the dates studies 

Without telling the real names of the patients, all the datas collected are usefull for the social research on the illness. This reasearch is named The prisoner of Parkinson ed è pubblicata liberamente a beneficio di tutti nel web. In international meeting are discussed these concepts.

Final target

In the world any university has never given the opportunity of a pain sociology course.

The prisoner of Parkinson goal is to give a better way of life with the illness. There is the big need of having a pain sociology university course.

Prof. Giovanni Carlini – The prisoner of Parkinson

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