A new sociological theory: The Prisoner of Parkinson by prof. Giovanni Carlini  Index – Introduction.The sociological theory: The Prisoner of Parkinson – Silence of Sociology: A Parkinson patient builds himself…
The prisoner of parkinson
The Prisoner of Parkinson into the Pain sociology by Giovanni Carlini The health is important! This sentence is not true anymore. The scientific world and the patients don’t listen to…
The American case: The Prisoner of Parkinson without a Pain sociology By Prof. Giovanni Carlini Speaking with eighty Sociology faculties in American Universities on the theory of The Prisoner of…
Sociologia silenziosa: il noto caso della teoria chiamata Il prigioniero da Parkinson Sociologia silenziosa vuol dire non dare volutamente importanza ad altre teorie salvaguardando il proprio giardinetto. In pratica tutto si chiude…
The Parkinson Prisoner in American Universities By Giovanni Carlini In the academic and research field, here in the United States, the neurological, medical and sociological care to Parkinson’s, in terms of The…
Sociologia: George Herbert Mead! Cosa serve la sociologia? Viene in mente la resistenza, quasi oscena, che offre il Parkinson italiano all’ingresso della sociologia nella cura di una malattia crudele come…